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SOAK - Renewal & Detox


Revitalize and purify your body with our luxurious organic all-natural bath. 

Ingredients: Himalayan salt, MSM, and Herbs.

Size: 3 Pound Bag

Serving: 10 bath uses

SOAK - Renewal & Detox

data-currency=“USD” data-description=“<p><span>Revitalize and purify your body with our luxurious organic all-natural bath. </span></p> <div id="product_details_parent" class="wt-content-toggle__body" aria-hidden="false"> <div class="wt-mb-xs-6 wt-mt-xs-2" data-listing-page-item-details-component=""> <div> <div data-id="description-text"> <p data-product-details-description-text-content="" class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"><br>Ingredients: Himalayan salt, MSM, and Herbs.<br><br>Size: 3 Pound Bag<br><br>Serving: 10 bath uses</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div data-appears-component-name="listing_page_policy_shipping_variant"><br></div>“>