Dried Lavender Bouquet, make any centerpiece or bouquet look and smell amazing with this real air-dried 100% natural lavender bouquet. They have been preserved to enhance their flavor and aroma properties. and contribute to the efficacy of lavender in all its applications.
May Help Improve Sleep
Could Help Treat Skin Blemishes
May Offer a Natural Remedy for Pain
Reduce Blood Pressure and Heart Rate
Could Relieve Asthma Symptoms
Lessens Menopausal Hot Flashes
Help Combat Fungus Growth
Potentially Promotes Hair Growth
Sold in a 4 oz. bunch
- Use: Decorations for making handmade fresheners or small gifts for weddings and other celebrations.
- Keep it well closed in a location without direct sunlight.
Please note that they are very FRAGILE especially during the shipping
100 % natural product of high quality.
Grade A and B
Dried lavender bunches || Whole stems | 100% natural | Home decor| Aromatherapy | Dried Flowers |